Aerial Photographer of the Year

I’m incredibly honoured to announce I have won at the Aerial Photography Awards in Paris! Aerial Photographer of the Year 2020 – first place editorial. Never imagined claiming this title!
With thousands of submissions from 65 countries, the quality of photos submitted for the first edition of the Aerial Photography Awards exceeded all expectations. Founded by Christophe Martin and originating from Paris, this competition awards excellence in aerial photography.
The most popular categories were Abstract, Architecture, Constructions, Daily life, Landscapes, Sports, Travel and Wildlife. In order to select the awarded photographers per master category, the number of awards per photographer obtained in all categories was calculated to establish an average score. Remarkable fact: Belgium was the top winning country in this first edition with a whopping ten awarded entries. For a small country with very restrictive drone rules this is quite the achievement.
I’m also incredibly humbled in winning this award: there’s so much competition out there with so many great and inspiring photographers. Aerial photography has taken big leaps in the past few years. Glad to be part of this journey.
Grand merci à toutes et à tous! Je le fais pour vous, je le fais pour la France.
Update November: The fine folks at Wanderlust Pulse did a follow up and interviewed me.
Update December: My work is included in the Aerial Photography Annual 2020 Book!